Meditation Month: Week Two

I have to admit that keeping up with this routine is quite difficult. For my second week I have taken to doing my meditation session as soon as I wake up in the morning. I am finding it increasingly difficult to sit still. The only thing about doing it early in the morning is that my mind is already starting to scan through everything I want to get done in that day. I am hoping that I will master the technique of clearing my mind but for now, halfway through the month. I am still rubbish at it if I’m honest.

Next week I am going to try doing my sessions at bed time. I am hoping this might help me sleep a little better too. I will let you know how it goes!

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Lifestyle and Beauty Blogger| My name's Imogen Beth Clegg and I share things from my life, travels and favourite products! Grab a chair, make a brew and get reading, I hope you'll stay for a while...

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