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Fight the Frizz

If you have thick, curly hair naturally- it can be a nightmare trying to style your hair without it looking like something the cat dragged in. I want to share with you my top 5 tips for fighting that frizz!

1. Conditioner 

Image: here

Conditioner is essential for those of us with thicker, more wiry hair. Most people use conditioner once a week on average, but that’s not enough. In order to keep your hair softer and more shiny, you need to use conditioner every time you wash your hair.

You don’t even need to use shampoo every time you wash your hair. It actually may help to only use shampoo once a week when washing hair, and just use conditioner any other time. This ensures that your hair will lock in all of that moisture and not be damaged by sulphates in most shampoos.

2. Don’t Brush your Hair Too Much

Brushing your hair several times through the day can cause static and breakage- making your hair puff out and become frizzy. Try to use a wider comb brush too, this will reduce the static effect when brushing.

3. Avoid the Hair Dryer

This is an important one. When you have very thick or wiry hair, using a hairdryer can cause a massive amount of frizz to build up. When I used to use a hairdryer I would come out of it looking a little like a poodle…

Image: here

Any way- instead try to at least let your hair dry 80-90% if you absolutely need to blow out your hair. Preferably just air dry it completely, as this will stop the loss of oils from your scalp, preventing dandruff.

4. Sleep on Silk

Don’t worry, I’m not saying to go out and spend a ton of money on silk sheets and pillows. It doesn’t even have to be silk, it just needs to be similar. Satin is a great option, and if you can get yourself a satin pillowcase to sleep on, you’ll be doing your hair a big favour. Silk and Satin have very densely packed fibres, meaning that as you toss and turn in the night, your hair won’t get trapped between the fibres and break as they would with a cotton pillowcase. This is a surefire way to save you from that scary morning hair.

5. Use Hair Oil

Even on days when you don’t wash your hair, it’s important to keep it moisturised. You can by a hair serum or even make your own, like my recipe here. Adding a small amount to the ends of your hair in the morning and just before bed can do wonders for your hair. And if you ever have a ponytail which is frizzy at the sides, take a little oil in your palms and rub it over your hair to sleek it out.

Do you have any top tips for frighting that frizz?

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