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I’ve Been Nominated for a Sunshine Blogger Award!

Well, the last thing I expected to see this morning when I checked my emails was that I’ve been nominated for a Sunshine Blogger Award!

Can we just take a second to appreciate that logo? So pretty!

Anyway, I’d like to say a MASSIVE thank you to the lovely blogger who nominated me for this award: Simply, Apostolia

For those of you who aren’t aware of what the award entails- the Sunshine Blogger award is awarded to bloggers who bring happiness, inspiration and (you guessed it) sunshine to their reader’s lives. I’m over the moon that I’ve been chosen for this and I want to say a huge thank you to all of you out there who read my blog posts every week. You guys rock.

Now, as part of the award, I’m going to be answering some questions left by Simply, Apostolia on her post, which you can find here

1.What is your favourite song right now?

That’s a toughy, but I have to say that I just can’t get enough of Bruno Mars- Perm right now
2.When did you actually decide that you’re going to be a Blogger?

I had spent about 6 months binge watching YouTube and I discovered Zoella, and about a month later I decided to give it a try!
3.If you could give any piece of advice to other bloggers, what would it be?

Write about the things you love. Don’t force yourself to stick to a niche if you want to write about something different. Be yourself and people will love you for it.
4.If you could live anywhere in the world (apart from where you live now), where would it be?

I have to say, I would love to live in Scotland. I love the mountains, the lakes and just the whole vibe. My Nanna’s side of the family are from Scotland, we even have our own Clan Tartan!

Irvine Clan Tartan

5.What’s the very first thing you do every morning?

Brush my Teeth. I hate morning breath.
6.What’s your favourite Social Media and why?

100% Pinterest. It’s like an Art’s & Crafts lover’s dream. And food of course. LOTS of food. I have tonnes of boards on my Pinterest, I just love collecting new ideas. I’m @imogen1994 if you fancy taking a look 😉 #shamelessplug
7.How and where would it be your dream vacation?

Hawaii, climbing volcanoes and drinking cocktails by the beach.
8.What is your favourite Holiday and why?

Colwyn Bay in 2012. This was the first holiday Sam and I ever went on alone together. I had an A-Level exam in the morning and once I’d finished we hopped on the train to wales. Best time of my life.

9.What is your favourite season-month and why?

Autumn. Beautiful colours, checkered scarves and pumpkin spiced everything.

10.When did you feel most proud in your life?

I felt the most proud when I was accepted into university. I remember getting the call and Sam picking me up and spinning me around. My dad told every single person he saw for the next year.
11.What is your favourite quote that you try to live by every day?

Now it’s my turn: I would like to take the time to nominate 11 of my fellow bloggers for this award!

  1.  Amy from Her Quarters
  2.  Amy from Sass and Shamrocks
  3.  Dee from Wild About Nature
  4.  Bethany from All the Passion Strings
  5.  Jemma from Dorkface
  6.  Shan from Shut Up Shan
  7.  Lauren from LoulaBelleRose
  8.  Jasmin from Little Things with Jassy
  9.  Lily from Joli House
  10.  Zara from It’s All Zara
  11.  Laura from Hello Laura


And here are the questions I want you to answer:

  1.  Who is your biggest inspiration?
  2.  Pick an inspirational quote that you love
  3. What’s your biggest blogging achievement so far?
  4.  What’s your favourite food?
  5.  If you could travel anywhere right now, where would it be?
  6.  What’s your happiest childhood memory?
  7.  What made you start a blog?
  8.  What niche are you and why did you pick it?
  9.  What’s your favourite social media and why?
  10.  Are you a full time blogger or is this a hobby?
  11.  Do you have any pets? If so, show us a photo!

I can’t wait to see what you all write!

And before I go, here are the rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award:

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules

Once nominated, the blogger is required to write a post in which they:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you (me).
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Thanks again to all of you, and Simply, Apostolia for nominating me! Have a great day guys!

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