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3 Products for your Skin this Winter

w1So, it’s only 5 weeks until Christmas, which quite frankly scares me. I’m usually really organised with my Christmas shopping, and most years I’m done by the start of November. Unfortunately this year has gone at lightning speed, and I’ve been forced to rush my shopping within the last month. Not great.

I don’t know about you guys, but my skin is very temperamental at this time of the year.I’m either too greasy or as dry as the Sahara- but the latter is most often the case. Harsh winds, temperatures and the snow can put a huge strain on your skin, and strips your skin of it’s natural oils, causing you to flake and peel. I have found a few products this year which have truly saved my bacon, and I wanted to share them with you today!

Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rose Water

I have to admit, I was never a big fan of facial sprays, because it always felt like my makeup melted off when I sprayed them, but this one isn’t like that at all. I have heard SO many people rave about this product, and after a long period of indecision, I finally bought it.

First of all, I love the way this smells. It’s so fresh, feminine and light. Rose Water is the ultimate natural moisturiser so this was a huge selling point for me. I also keep MANY Aloe Vera plants (7, to be precise), and whenever I’m in the kitchen and I burn myself I just snap the leaves and apply the gel right on, and it works wonders. You can’t smell the Aloe Vera in this, but you can definitely feel that cooling sensation when you spray it, which I absolutely love. It doesn’t remove your makeup so you can keep it in your handbag and spray it throughout the day, and with the air being so dry at the moment I think this is a handbag essential.

Palmers Cocoa Butter Lip Balm

My lips are terrible at this time of year, and I have tried everything to keep them healthy and hydrated. This lip balm is so affordable and is honestly one of the best lip balms I have ever used. Cocoa butter is not only super moisturising, but it smells AMAZING too, although that can be a blessing and a curse, because all I end up doing it licking my lips!

But seriously, if you take anything way from this post, definitely go and pick this up from your local drugstore because I promise you won’t regret it!

If you want any more tips on keeping your lips healthy, check out my Tips for Healthy Lips


Zoella Wonder Hand

If you have had any of Zoe’s products in the past, you’ll know that they smell DIVINE. This cream is from her classic range, and the bottle is SO big! I have had loads of hand creams in the past, but I’m not at all a fan of having anything on my hands for longer than a few minutes, which is why this cream is really great because it soaks in quicker and doesn’t leave your hands greasy.

It only costs £6 and you get 90ml, which is a lot. I would definitely recommend this as your go-to hand cream this winter.

Are there any products that you swear by to keep your skin hydrated in the colder months? 

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