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Coral Makeup Look

It’s a new week, and a slightly chillier one at that here in Manchester. It seems as though our lovely summer has said it’s hello and is off to find greener pastures. Oh well, it was good while it lasted! 

You know me, and I won’t let a little thing like weather get in the way of my summer vibes- so I’m here with another makeup look for this season, also using one of my all time loves… urban decay freelove. 

I cannot even express how much I ADORE this eyeshadow, so I thought I would dedicate a full eye look to it today! 
What I’m using: 

The Face

First I spread a thin layer of primer over the entire face with my fingers. Then taking the colour correction palette- I apply orange underneath my eyes and green to any red areas of my face. 

Once primed, I use a damp beauty sponge to apply my foundation and then my concealer. I will then set my entire face with powder.

Contour and Highlight

First off I’m taking my chisel cheeks palette and using the centre shade to contour underneath my cheekbones. Then I’m taking my revolution palette and using the light gold shade to highlight my cheeks, cupid’s bow, nose and brow bone.

The Eyes

Using the same palette, I’m taking the lightest pink shade and using this to cove the inner third of my lower lid. Now taking a slightly wet brush, dip into that beautiful oral shade and apply all over the remaining two thirds of the lower lid. Into the crease I’m going back into the chisel cheeks palette and taking the darkest shade- working it into the outer corner and crease. To finish off I am applying the lightest shade to the upper lid. 

To finish off this look, I’m applying a thin layer of eyeliner, a generous layer of mascara, and finally some lip cream. 

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