Dark Chocolate and Strawberry Porridge

Finding the time to make breakfast on a workday can be a pretty hard task, and we often resort to using coffee as our morning pick-me-up. Trust me, I know the feeling. I start work at 8:30am so I am always trying to come up with the quickest meals i can that will fill me up until lunchtime. Porridge is full of fibre and only takes a few minutes to prepare. It also fills you up very easily so there’s no need for a mid morning snack. 🙂

What You’ll Need:


1 cup Porridge Oats 

approximately 20-30g dark chocolate (just a rough measurement)

4 Large Strawberries

Runny Honey 

Milk (or non dairy substitute)

1. Into a microwavable bowl, add in your oats, 2 cubed strawberries and about 2 thirds of your chocolate.

2. Pour in enough milk to cover the surface of your oats, plus another centimetre (similar to when you cook rice)

3. Stir the mixture and pop it in the microwave for 3 minutes. If you haven’t got access to a microwave, you can also use half milk and top it up with half boiling water from the kettle.

4. Stir your porridge really well, add in any extra milk if you need it. Top with the remaining strawberries and chocolate, and drizzle with honey. ENJOY!

I would love to know what you use as your go-to morning breakfast! Let me know in the comments 🙂

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Lifestyle and Beauty Blogger| My name's Imogen Beth Clegg and I share things from my life, travels and favourite products! Grab a chair, make a brew and get reading, I hope you'll stay for a while...

24 thoughts on “Dark Chocolate and Strawberry Porridge

  1. Oh no, this is too good to be true:) Seems like my dream come true – having chocolate already for breakfast! Can’t skip this recipe! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  2. I guess I would call myself a creature of habit, I always have either porridge or yoghurt for my breakfast and when it’s porridge, I do like to try different recipes and things to add to it to change it up. Never tried this before so will need to give it a try! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. This looks so yummy! I have to admit I need my sugary dose for breakfast, I need something involving chocolate: usually cereal or porridge. And of course, coffee, can’t start my day without coffee. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You had me at Chocolate and fresh strawberries. This looks delicious and it’s super easy to make. I usually go for a quick omelette or plain oatmeal for breakfast

  5. Wow! It looks truly delicious. And best thing is it’s easy to make as it’s just cooked using the microwave. This will be a hearty breakfast for me before I go to work. I’ll try this soon. Thank you for sharing your recipe. -Me-An Clemente

  6. I am not a big breakfast person because I am usually in a hurry. But I love to know these quick recipes for when I am hungry and need something quick. This looks yummy!

  7. What an amazing idea for a breakfast! I love oatmeal and am a huge fun of strawberries and chocolate! I definitely should try your recipe! Pinned it

  8. I always strive every morning to prepare breakfast for my family because I also go to work. This recipe is sooo easy to prepare and very healthy.. and my son will definitely like this for he loves strawberries.

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