12 Days of Blogmas- Day Four

‘One the Fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, four calling birds/ three french hens/ two turtle doves/ and a partridge in a pear tree!’

It’s Day Four!

It’s getting closer and closer to 2017, with only 3 days until 2016 is knocked into the past forever. Most of you can agree that 2016 has been a somewhat turbulent year, with major bombshells such as Brexit, Trump, and Larry Lamb not winning I’m a Celebrity get me out of here…

But 2017 is a blank page, waiting to be written by all of us, and if there’s one thing we can say about this year, it’s that we can overcome difficulties and still come out of the other side with our dreams in tact.

So, for day four of Blogmas- I am setting 4 New Year Goals! And I would wholeheartedly encourage you to do the same thing.

2017-goals-1Now, before I begin I want to make it clear that these are NOT New Year’s resolutions, because in my experience, they just don’t work. Setting crazy goals like losing 20 pounds, becoming a business owner and buying an island are just not realistic, and a waste of time in my opinion. So, instead of that, I am going to set myself 4 goals which I know I will be able to achieve at least partly this year. These are going to be my focus for the year, and once I have done each one, I can celebrate with a bottle of wine and some chocolate <- if that isn’t good motivation, I don’t know what is!

If you want to make yourself some goals for the new year, just bare in mind a few things:

  • Make them doable- there’s no point wanting to climb a mountain if you’ve broken a leg, be realistic.
  • Big or Small- it doesn’t matter if your goal is as small as drinking lemon water in the mornings instead of coffee, one small change can make a huge difference to your life.
  • Remind yourself- I am personally starting a bullet journal in 2017, which will contain very frequent reminders of my goals for the year. But you can do something as simple as setting reminders on your phone, writing post-it notes or making a wish-board. Visual reminders are key.
  • Get other’s help- If you know you are forgetful, or need some motivation to hit your goals, why not ask your family, partner or friends to help you out?

Now that you have the know-how, why not go ahead and make a list in your favourite notebook and have it ready for the coming year?

Here are my 4 Goals for 2017:

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Number One- Buy a House

This might make you think ‘I thought these were supposed to be realistic!’, but honestly, it is. We are probably half a year or so away from a deposit for a house in our area, so once the new year begins our main aim is to SAVE SAVE SAVE. Having our own space is hugely important, and if I can be in my own house this time next year, I would call that a major success.

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Number Two- Learn to Drive

I have been using public transport for the last 4 years, and I have has enough. I am a 22 year old woman, and by now I should have my own car, but circumstances have gotten in the way. So, in 2017 I’m getting off my butt and getting in the driver’s seat. I have already had a lot of driving lessons anyway, but I had to put that on hold when I left university, so I need to finish them. And hopefully by the middle/ end of the year I can finally say goodbye to buses for good!


Number Three- Earn Money Blogging

This one goes without saying. I have been blogging for almost a year now, and I have to say I have never had a more fulfilling hobby. Eventually I want to be blogging full time, but for now I will happily settle with a small amount of earnings. My aim is to work with more brands this year, because so far the only one I have worked with is Teagime. Hopefully with some hard work and killer marketing skills, I can really push my name out their into the Blogsphere.


Number Four- Freelance More

Freelancing is a great way to earn some extra cash, and has served me well this year while I’ve been on my apprenticeship. I joined Upwork back in May, and I worked with a really great client on my first day, and worked with him for another 4 months after that, on various different jobs. Now that my apprenticeship is coming to an end, I hope to have more time to devote to freelancing, to make myself a little more money and to develop my skills more.

That’s it for my 2017 goals, I do have some other smaller projects to work on but these ones are my main goals for the new year!

 What things do you want to achieve in the new year?

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Lifestyle and Beauty Blogger| My name's Imogen Beth Clegg and I share things from my life, travels and favourite products! Grab a chair, make a brew and get reading, I hope you'll stay for a while...

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